
Reconnect Media Release

After careful consideration and a lot of discussion, SPCRS has made the difficult decision that we are no longer the best service provider to hold the Reconnect Youth Service contract.

South Peace Community Resources Society (SPCRS) has been proud to provide Reconnect Youth Service to the Community for the past 30 years. During that time, we have been grateful for the outpouring of support for the youth in our program.

After careful consideration and a lot of discussion we, as an organization, have made the difficult decision that we are no longer the best service provider to hold this contract.  We have been working closely with the funder to support the transfer of this program to a new organization and will be happy to work with them collaboratively as they move forward. The Reconnect Program will continue to serve the youth of Dawson Creek but at this time we do not know under what organization.

The plan moving forward for the Reconnect building is not yet confirmed but will continue to be used to serve SPCRS clients and the community as a whole.

On behalf of our staff over the years, and the youth who have accessed the program, we offer a sincere thank you to the community for your support, donations and community engagement.

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